Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
- freewaynick
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Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September wurde erstellt von freewaynick
~ Protokoll Cult-Konferenz ~
Datum: 23. September
Leitung: freewaynick
Protokoll: TomTV, Sassy
Anwesende User: ca. 29 User
Datum: 23. September
Leitung: freewaynick
Protokoll: TomTV, Sassy
Anwesende User: ca. 29 User
Thema: Shops und deren Erreichbarkeit
->Für VoteCoins soll man sich einen Warp kaufen können. [Für Shops u.s.w.]
-> Wäre es möglich mit den vorhandenen Plugins eine Art /shop Nickname einzufügen?
-> Es ist bereits ein Projekt in der Planung welches die Erreichbarkeit der einzelnen Shops erleichtert und vereinfacht.
Thema: Probleme untereinander
Falls jemand ein Problem mit einem anderen hat, sollte zuerst mit den Usern darüber geredet werden und wenn das nicht hilft -> an Teamler wenden.
Thema: User werden bevorzugt beziehungsweise benachteiligt/strenger beurteilt
-> Beispiel xPolarbaer, er wurde nach 5 Nachrichten in einer sachlichen Diskussion im Globalchat gebannt. Andere wiederum können dauerhaft Kritik einbringen und werden nicht einmal verwarnt.
Manche Teamler suchen krampfhaft Banngründe um die User zu bannen, sie suchen sich Willkürlich Gründe.
Anmerkungen dazu: Wenn Kritik konstruktiv rüber gebracht wird kann damit gearbeitet werden. Wenn jedoch nur darauf abgezielt wird Streit zu sähen wird damit anders umgegangen.
Ein Banngrund stellt es nicht dar, solange die Beschwerden begründet werden. Allgemein sollte man den Usern gegenüber neutraler bleiben.
Thema: User anziehen bzw. neue User auf den Server locken
Welation: Macht Youtube-Videos, könne um die 100 bis 150 User auf den Server bringen, würde dies allerdings in der derzeitigen Situation ungerne tun. Das Klima zwischen Usern und Teamlern ist momentan so angespannt und “auf Krawall gebürstet”, dass er es vorzieht dies vorerst nicht zu tun.
Thema: Teamler - User Verhältnis
Die Community als solche versteht sich prächtig, jedoch leidet die Beziehung zwischen den Teamlern und Usern. Das Team schottet sich zusehends mehr ab und hält sich größtenteils in Channeln auf welche Passwortgeschützt sind oder nicht einsehbar sind. -> Natürlich verstehen die User dass es auch mal Zeit für eine Pause ist und man einfach in Ruhe mit einigen sprechen möchte, jedoch artet es bei einigen aus <-
Einige User werden gezielt von Teamlern aufgezogen und geärgert. (Der User äußert dass er es nicht witzig findet)
Wenn man ingame einen Teamler anschreibt und um Hilfe bittet, wird man einfach mit der Antwort abgefertigt man solle eine Pe eröffnen. Wenn man diese geschrieben hat, passiert nichts. Als Elitespieler möchte man nicht die Aufgaben der Teamler übernehmen.
->Hilferufe im Chat im Bezug auf Fragen zum Spielgeschehen können von Usern beantwortet werden.
Manche User werden gegrüßt, andere ignoriert. User werden nicht mehr wahr genommen.
Thema: Bearbeitungszeit der Pe’s
Die eingereichten Pe’s seien stundenlang offen, keiner kümmere sich darum. Wenn man einen Teamler daraufhin anschreibt, antwortet dieser meist jedoch nicht mehr nach der Frage ob man die geöffnete Pe bitte bearbeitet werden könne.
-> Auf manchen Servern sieht man die Pe’s nicht. Dies ist dann nicht aus Boshaftigkeit mit langer Bearbeitungszeit verbunden sondern lediglich damit dass man sie nicht gesehen hat.
-> Bitte das Team darauf hinweisen. Die meisten Teamler arbeiten stetig im Wechsel auf Cultcraft. Dabei kann es schon vorkommen dass man etwas im Chat übersieht. Dies ist allerdings nicht böse gemeint oder absichtlich so.
Thema: Provokation von Julius und Antgil im Globalchat
-> Ein Screenshot ist beigefügt. Im Chat wird von den beiden gezielt Streit gesucht. User werden “getriggert” um so einen Streit vom Zaun zu brechen.
Bitte in Zukunft Screenshots anfertigen und an die Teamler weiterleiten.
Hier das Bild.
Thema: Verhalten einiger im Bezug auf Minderjährige im Channel
Es sollte sich mit den betroffenden Personen dringend nochmal zusammen gesetzt werden. Es kann nicht sein dass in eine Lounge mit Minderjährigen über Alkoholmissbrauch und sexuelle Themen referiert wird was diese nicht möchten.
Desweiteren sollen User die von anderen Usern gebeten werden beispielsweise Sprachnachrichten nicht mehr abzuspielen auch damit aufhören.
wlamingo: Mich macht die Willkür der Teamler sauer. Manche Teamler sagen offen dass ihnen Banngründe EGAL sind. Gerechtigkeit gibt es für User momentan GARNICHT.
->Als Owner sollte man es immerhin schaffe mal on zu kommen, und nicht alle paar Monate!
-> Teamler haben auch ein Reallife, die meisten gehen zur Schule oder Arbeiten und können daher nicht rund um die Uhr erreichbar sein. Dafür sollte Verständnis gezeigt werden. Es wird ständig darauf geachtet dass mindestens ein Teamler erreichbar ist.
->Früher funktionierte das mit den Teamlern besser. Als Teamler ist man ein Vorbild und sollte nicht provozieren.
->Zurzeit regt es wirklich jeden Spieler auf, das Teamler so faul sind. Und es sie einen Dreck interessiert was Fairness angeht. Ich würde gerne ein Community-Projekt machen. 200 User + / - .
-> Teamler arbeiten nicht immer nur im öffentlichen Chat, sie arbeiten meist an Dingen die von den meisten Usern nicht offensichtlich ist. Seien es Plugins oder Servergestaltung.
TomTv: User helfen neuen Usern MEHR als Teamler.
-> Die Community zeigt damit unter anderem ihre Hilfsbereitschaft. User sollen Usern helfen. Bei größeren Problemen oder Fragen die über das normale Maß hinaus gehen können Teamler eingreifen und helfen.
xPolarbaer: @Welation -> Ich wurde einfach wegen Beleidigungen gebannt, obwohl ich das garnicht getan habe. Rocky war zu Faul um nachzugucken WANN ich online war. Er sagte: Ich habe grad kein Bock!
Vale:@xPolarbaer -> Es stimmt das Teamler sich einzelne Spieler rauspicken. Neulich hat ein User
nach Hilfe gefragt, und es kam SOFORT eine Antwort.
AmokRazer: Es werden User weil sie AFK sind gekickt, das muss nicht sein! Ehrlich gesagt ist das echt eine FRECHHEIT!
Sassy: Wer mehr online ist, macht er natürlich auch mehr Fehler. Wer kurz on ist macht logischerweise weniger/keine.
hutchmeister: Trotz aller Kritik sollte man nicht vergessen dass wir hier alle auf einem Server sind, und versuchen uns zu versöhnen.
Wandöh: Um die Uservertretung kümmert sich keiner. Uservertretung scheint nicht erreichbar zu sein.
~*~ Ende der CultKonferenz um ca.
18 Uhr
Bei Ergänzungen bitte an freewaynick wenden.
Bei Ergänzungen bitte an freewaynick wenden.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Flamingo_Pingo, DrNiklaas, hvm2308, Xemotra
23 Sep 2017 20:24
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hvm2308 antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
-> Beispiel xPolarbaer, er wurde nach 5 Nachrichten in einer sachlichen Diskussion im Globalchat gebannt. Andere wiederum können dauerhaft Kritik einbringen und werden nicht einmal verwarnt. “
„ xPolarbaer: @Welation -> Ich wurde einfach wegen Beleidigungen gebannt, obwohl ich das garnicht getan habe. Rocky war zu Faul um nachzugucken WANN ich online war. Er sagte: Ich habe grad kein Bock! “
Rocky hat leider keine Berechtigung in den Logs nachzuschauen, wann du online warst. Außerdem hat Rocky soweit ich weiß mit dir ein Gespräch diesbezüglich geführt, das sollte also geklärt sein.
„ Vale:@xPolarbaer -> Es stimmt das Teamler sich einzelne Spieler rauspicken. Neulich hat ein User nach Hilfe gefragt, und es kam SOFORT eine Antwort. “
Da kommt es auch drauf an, wie die Frage aussieht, es ist für die Masse praktischer, wenn beispielsweise Save-PEs vor PEs, bei denen Items zurückerstattet werden. Wir versuchen außerdem so objektiv wie möglich zu handeln, das geht aber nicht immer, wir sind auch bloß Menschen.
„ AmokRazer: Es werden User weil sie AFK sind gekickt, das muss nicht sein! Ehrlich gesagt ist das echt eine FRECHHEIT! “
Ich denke mal, du weißt, dass wir nicht grundlos kicken. In dem Fall ging es vermutlich darum, dass ein User die ganze Zeit AFK war und als Chunkloader für eine automatische Farm diente. Dass das nicht erlaubt ist, sollte eigentlich bekannt sein.
„ TomTv: User helfen neuen Usern MEHR als Teamler. “
Genau, weshalb wir zum Beispiel Stammis und Elitespieler haben, die uns etwas unter die Arme zu greifen. Wir müssen, wie auch weiter oben im Protokoll steht nebenbei noch den Server am Laufen halten, dass ist teilweise mehr Arbeit, als die Meisten denken.
„ Wandöh: Um die Uservertretung kümmert sich keiner. Uservertretung scheint nicht erreichbar zu sein. “
Wenn ihr Probleme habt, könnt ihr gerne zu Raylion und/oder zu mir kommen. Die Uservertretung ist ein Angebot für euch User. Ob ihr es nutzt oder nicht liegt an euch, dass jetzt deswegen herumgemeckert wird kann ich ehrlich gesagt nicht verstehen.
„ xPolarbaer: @Welation -> Ich wurde einfach wegen Beleidigungen gebannt, obwohl ich das garnicht getan habe. Rocky war zu Faul um nachzugucken WANN ich online war. Er sagte: Ich habe grad kein Bock! “
Rocky hat leider keine Berechtigung in den Logs nachzuschauen, wann du online warst. Außerdem hat Rocky soweit ich weiß mit dir ein Gespräch diesbezüglich geführt, das sollte also geklärt sein.
„ Vale:@xPolarbaer -> Es stimmt das Teamler sich einzelne Spieler rauspicken. Neulich hat ein User nach Hilfe gefragt, und es kam SOFORT eine Antwort. “
Da kommt es auch drauf an, wie die Frage aussieht, es ist für die Masse praktischer, wenn beispielsweise Save-PEs vor PEs, bei denen Items zurückerstattet werden. Wir versuchen außerdem so objektiv wie möglich zu handeln, das geht aber nicht immer, wir sind auch bloß Menschen.
„ AmokRazer: Es werden User weil sie AFK sind gekickt, das muss nicht sein! Ehrlich gesagt ist das echt eine FRECHHEIT! “
Ich denke mal, du weißt, dass wir nicht grundlos kicken. In dem Fall ging es vermutlich darum, dass ein User die ganze Zeit AFK war und als Chunkloader für eine automatische Farm diente. Dass das nicht erlaubt ist, sollte eigentlich bekannt sein.
„ TomTv: User helfen neuen Usern MEHR als Teamler. “
Genau, weshalb wir zum Beispiel Stammis und Elitespieler haben, die uns etwas unter die Arme zu greifen. Wir müssen, wie auch weiter oben im Protokoll steht nebenbei noch den Server am Laufen halten, dass ist teilweise mehr Arbeit, als die Meisten denken.
„ Wandöh: Um die Uservertretung kümmert sich keiner. Uservertretung scheint nicht erreichbar zu sein. “
Wenn ihr Probleme habt, könnt ihr gerne zu Raylion und/oder zu mir kommen. Die Uservertretung ist ein Angebot für euch User. Ob ihr es nutzt oder nicht liegt an euch, dass jetzt deswegen herumgemeckert wird kann ich ehrlich gesagt nicht verstehen.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freewaynick, Xemotra, Raylion, FireX1337
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- Raylion
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Raylion antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
Leider gibt es dazu immer nur sehr einseitige Betrachtungen.
Also, wir User (ich zähle mich irgendwie noch dazu) sind immer der Meinung, dass die Teamler irgendwo rumstehen, sich gegenseitig anschreiben, im Spawn im Kreis hüpfen und sich einen Dreck um uns kümmern.
Dagegen hab ich mal nen sehr schönen Beitrag von Horsti gelesen, der mal sein Chatprotokoll gezeigt hat - was aus über 400 Zeilen WE bestand. Für kleinere PEs sind eigentlich die jüngeren Supps verantwortlich, weil die höhergestellten Leute viel mehr hinter den Kulissen arbeiten.
Genauso ist es mit den (neuen) Usern. Für sowas gibt es die User-Community. Die soll sich um ihre eigenen Mitglieder kümmern können, nicht immer alles auf die Teamler ausweichen lassen. (Siehe mein wunderhübsches Paint-Bild im Anhang.)
Ansonsten verstehe ich nicht, was das für eine Provokation von Julius sein soll. Er ist eben so.
Und wofür wurde eigentlich die Uservertretung erfunden? Genau, zur Vermittlung zwischen Usern und Team. Ja, ich mute vllt nicht ganz so nahbar an, aber man kann sich ruhig an mich wenden, und ich nehme vor hvm auch kein Blatt vor den Mund. Wir würden gern helfen, aber es kommt ja keiner. Und um die Uservertretung muss sich auch keiner "kümmern", wir sind schon groß und an sich eigentlich ein Selbstläufer, der auch unabhängig sein soll.
Soweit alles in Ordnung? Ich möchte nicht, dass sich irgendwelche alternativen Fakten hier in der Community ausbreiten. Bei Fragen einfach an die mit den grünen Helmen wenden, die haben sonst so wenig zu tun.
Schöne Grüße, ein gerade erst von einer Reise zurückgekehrter Raylion.
Besucht das Gemeinschaftshaus! südlich von /warp taiga
Oder mit dem Portal Gemeinschaftshaus.1.19
Oder mit dem Portal Gemeinschaftshaus.1.19
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freewaynick, hvm2308
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Mother_Of_Lolis antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
Entweder bin ich einfach nur scheiße alt und hab's vergessen oder ihr habt da was missverstanden. <.<"
Ich kann mich nicht entsinnen etwas in der Art gesagt zu haben lol...
Ich kann mich nur erinnern das ich gestern zur Uservertretung nur gesagt habe das die Leute die noch aktiv spielen sich ihren Uservertreter oder auch den Stellvertreter hätten wählen können, wenn das keiner macht, kann da auch keiner was dafür.
(Aber wie gesagt.. vielleicht bin ich auch einfach nur alt und hab's vergessen... > . <)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: freewaynick
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- Flamingo_Pingo
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Flamingo_Pingo antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
Lieber Hvm,
Zunächst einmal sind die Aussagen kurz Auszüge die eig. noch ausgedehnt wurden, weshalb ich eine Stellungnahme zu diesen kurz Zitaten als schwierig erachte.
Außerdem wurden ein teil der Aussagen schon geklärt, wie die von polarbear, wo es darum ging in sein eig. chat Lock zuschauen. By the way leben wir an sich in einem Rechtsstaat in dem man Beweisen muss das man Schuldig ist und nicht das man Unschuldig ist. So ein Format der Rechtsprechung ähnelt eher einer Diktatur.
Zum weiteren Punkt von Amokrazer, denke ich hast du dich nicht ausreichend Informiert. Es geschah auf einer Insel wo es keine AFK Farm gab und aufm Cities in einer Stadt. Daher diente diese Sache lediglich zu Provokation. Was wir aber alles in der CK besprochen hatten.
Zu dem Punkt von TomTV denke ich muss ich nichts mehr zusagen. Ich schüttel nur den Kopf und schlage mir die Hände vors Gesicht. Bitte schau doch mal in die Anforderungen eines Elite-/Stamm Spielers.
Am letzten Punkt von Wanda, schließe ich mich nur wieder oben an, hatten wir weitreichend in der CK besprochen.
Bei weiteren Fragen stehe ich gerne für ein Einzelgespräch zur Verfügung.
MFG FLamingo_Pingo
P.s. Damit auch nicht so eine verwirrung auftritt, da auch das Protokoll sehr durcheinander ist, bitte ich wenn man eine Stellungnahme dazu verfasst nächstes mal dabei zu sein, so wird vieles schon vor Ort geklärt und es schwimmen nicht die Informationen Fetzen weise durch die Gegend.
Zunächst einmal sind die Aussagen kurz Auszüge die eig. noch ausgedehnt wurden, weshalb ich eine Stellungnahme zu diesen kurz Zitaten als schwierig erachte.
Außerdem wurden ein teil der Aussagen schon geklärt, wie die von polarbear, wo es darum ging in sein eig. chat Lock zuschauen. By the way leben wir an sich in einem Rechtsstaat in dem man Beweisen muss das man Schuldig ist und nicht das man Unschuldig ist. So ein Format der Rechtsprechung ähnelt eher einer Diktatur.
Zum weiteren Punkt von Amokrazer, denke ich hast du dich nicht ausreichend Informiert. Es geschah auf einer Insel wo es keine AFK Farm gab und aufm Cities in einer Stadt. Daher diente diese Sache lediglich zu Provokation. Was wir aber alles in der CK besprochen hatten.
Zu dem Punkt von TomTV denke ich muss ich nichts mehr zusagen. Ich schüttel nur den Kopf und schlage mir die Hände vors Gesicht. Bitte schau doch mal in die Anforderungen eines Elite-/Stamm Spielers.
Am letzten Punkt von Wanda, schließe ich mich nur wieder oben an, hatten wir weitreichend in der CK besprochen.
Bei weiteren Fragen stehe ich gerne für ein Einzelgespräch zur Verfügung.
MFG FLamingo_Pingo
P.s. Damit auch nicht so eine verwirrung auftritt, da auch das Protokoll sehr durcheinander ist, bitte ich wenn man eine Stellungnahme dazu verfasst nächstes mal dabei zu sein, so wird vieles schon vor Ort geklärt und es schwimmen nicht die Informationen Fetzen weise durch die Gegend.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Amokrazer, Julius, xMaRdIx, hutchmeister1, LogischerThimo, Vale, Nirooo, MoinLP
26 Sep 2017 12:10
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Horstroad antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
Da muss ich dir widersprechen. CultCraft ist ein privater Server. Niemand hat einen garantierten Anspruch darauf hier spielen zu dürfen. Die Owner und in deren Vertretung das Team allein entscheidet wer spielen darf und wer nicht.
Genauso wie du bei dir zuhause entscheidest wer rein darf und wer nicht.
Unser Anspruch ist es das gerecht und gemäß unserer Serverregeln zu entscheiden. Wir behalten uns aber auch vor die Serverregeln zu verändern und außerhalb dieser Regeln von unserem Hausrecht gebrauch zu machen.
26 Sep 2017 17:35
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Vale antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
Auch Ich melde mich hier nochmal.
Ich sagte das ich es nicht besonders, mh wie sagt man, sozial finde, dass Welation mehrere Male im Globalchat nach Hilfe fragte und nichts passierte und Sassy, nur ein Wort schreiben musste und sofort die Aufmerksamkeit des Teamlers zu erregen. Ich will hier niemanden angreifen, sondern ausschließlich die Aussage oben im Protokoll richtig stellen...
Ich sagte das ich es nicht besonders, mh wie sagt man, sozial finde, dass Welation mehrere Male im Globalchat nach Hilfe fragte und nichts passierte und Sassy, nur ein Wort schreiben musste und sofort die Aufmerksamkeit des Teamlers zu erregen. Ich will hier niemanden angreifen, sondern ausschließlich die Aussage oben im Protokoll richtig stellen...
"Zwei Dinge sind unendlich, das Universum und die menschliche Dummheit, aber bei dem Universum bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher." ~ Albert Einstein
26 Sep 2017 17:35
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Horstroad antwortete auf Protokoll CultKonferenz 23. September
Ich war dieser Teamler, auf den sich das bezieht. Das hat nichts damit zu tun wer gefragt hat. Das hat dir sassy ja auch schon während der CK erläutert, deswegen bin ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt nicht selbst darauf eingegangen... da es aber nochmal angesprochen wird, werde ich es dir nochmal erläutern.
Als Teamler sieht der Chat oft so aus:
Am timestamp siehst du, dass das 40 Sekunden Chat sind. Ich habe schon einen Chatfilter, im zweiten Chatfenster ist nochmal genauso viel. Teilweise bekommt man mit Worldedit 200 Meldungen pro Minute, oder mehr. Dazu kommt NoCheat, FoundDiamonds und diverses andere.
So sieht es teilweise aus, wenn ich an Events arbeite:
Das sind 842 Zeilen Chat in einer Sekunde. Oft werden Hilfeanfragen durch diese Nachrichtenflut einfach aus dem Chat "rausgespült", oder man übersieht sie.
Hier sind 5 Minuten Chatverlauf... versuch da mal einer Konversation zu folgen:
Außerdem kann man bestimmte Arbeiten nicht einfach unterbrechen. Eine große Schematic rein kopieren kann schon mal 10 Minuten dauern. Die muss man absitzen und kann nicht mal eben wohin.
Das ist keine böse Absicht, oder Ignoranz, oder Bevorzugung. Das lässt sich, wie sassy es während der CK auch schon erläutert hatte, oft einfach nicht vermeiden.
Und genau für diesen Fall gibt es PEs. PEs werden auch nicht immer sofort bearbeitet, sondern sobald ein Teamler dafür Zeit hat. Das ist das Grundprinzip von PEs
Als Teamler sieht der Chat oft so aus:
Am timestamp siehst du, dass das 40 Sekunden Chat sind. Ich habe schon einen Chatfilter, im zweiten Chatfenster ist nochmal genauso viel. Teilweise bekommt man mit Worldedit 200 Meldungen pro Minute, oder mehr. Dazu kommt NoCheat, FoundDiamonds und diverses andere.
So sieht es teilweise aus, wenn ich an Events arbeite:
Warnung: Spoiler!
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: verbrechermann
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PW__
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 1976Rennmaus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alittleduckling
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Annika_123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GoldzahnHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Gorribal
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bl0ckBust3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DestyPlays
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TschiZack
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GiFn1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JulianWS04
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _OneeChan_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IchigoNiclas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xChaosLegend_04x
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ey_Girl_14
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxxKILLER_OMAxxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Julius
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kuebsiskopf26
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: adrikum
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vxne
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FlipsHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IchGibDirBoes
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KarlKG07
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vernichter1337
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sanY
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cilary
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hennihanni
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dragon_fire395
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Silka
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Terminator1025
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: byJ3ker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LeuchtendeGlowi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KxnnLesen_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mankelmank
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Fixxerleon
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Music_lights
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EIies
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: monkey_321
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chrissdj
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: maxunschlagbar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Skilling_Exodus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FireX000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXiTzBrotPvPXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RRYEDFRETGGHCVL
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mrs_Nudel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EmperorJoshi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: skedder
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Puuk7
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Moon___Girl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Christoph_AT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AmokRazer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PRO_J_P
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hypnoss14
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: zyglus_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Torbinator08
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xarom
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Brummiinator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Arg_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LEF0X
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hockey_green
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: wannaeatpizza
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EnderBoy0337_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Randroomname
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Leyla_Endergirl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: skyhill2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GuggiHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrDilys
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CreeperHD03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: D4rkDraw
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Myalein
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingCubeCraft
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Endowen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alfimine98
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jonas_theminer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Tom1899
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Horstroad2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Trasher
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KennethG11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MLG_XD_BroXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MatheIstSchwer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ProxyRestart
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheRealVotiX
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Superschere
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lukas20021997
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: nostail
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: fischauge1707
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImJanis
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: johnharbour
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Andre_480
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Manuel0305
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Keks_chan
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DangerTV_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: robinf2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mexxs
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IronIvoHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ciako
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 20ronald00
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BigAl2802
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BitteMitFleisch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImNoice
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Killer_king161
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GreenGoblin26
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 19Sandman89
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Spielgespielt
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Noelle2006
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheProGamer_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: freewaynick
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cayra
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IOError
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Gehxter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Saibot001
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: eM3x
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: malko_90
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Undisputedx3D
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: rockyroad1995
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: YUaTR0oL
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eagtime
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Unleqit_Ryzze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamerFreak10
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: OmNom1312
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alpenwarrior
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SmokeIsFluffy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: m02m03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TimmisFanGurl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_SaxX
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DeLuxeFuri67
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vincteemo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Highscore
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Knullbirne
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IIDragontearII
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: byDrizzle
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NieMitte_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Huckala
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: minibeast12345
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RedAnimations
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheGuyGer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NiklasdasEinhorn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_SpeedYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _itsIphonect_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: die_socke
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Totyro
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Domenik_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mari_hirsch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Silberonshok
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DavidLeeb
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Boxton
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trender
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zamoca05
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SenatorBrick
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vineez
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nugatschnitte23
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: precary
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingLukas42
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingCookie24
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: paluru21
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _TerPim_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hvm2308
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nilllsssiii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: axthd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: An0nym0o
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: eintracht
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aprix_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AbsoluterPanda
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SandPlaysMC
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IchbinkeinPanda
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 69mlCola
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Philipp0305
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Yumekily
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZEUSOclicker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xMaRdIx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LKW_FahrerElias
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Leasophie1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: itz_play
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Seelenblock
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Remus_von_Rom
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Phil_2016
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Knuffelein
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _KompetenzGHG_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Carnni
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 0a0n0n0i0
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Optinas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LeeresPapier
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Minetown1997
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zeit
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheRealMaze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Wass3rFee
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hanrich
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrDamned
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImCherry
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Balooo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AntGil
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Phillimimi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 007raff
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jeni2013
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Facepunchtroll
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ErrorGremory
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _screamingeagle
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MarcoPlaysHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXNotrenXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TimberxD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: McStyle83
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Embrate
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lixa_03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ExcitiusAvetum
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SchokoBond007
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: eisen456
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Creeper_Combo20
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: trolololol234
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JenniiJey
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Langerlummel334
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ProfiGamer19
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Faabiennee
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrFliegenpilz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AtomSparkles
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JeremyPascal124
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Enderice
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamerGirl1709
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hnsd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Schusie123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ladynett123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_MTrain
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dexteroushawk
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BeyHyped
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZG_Gaming
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: rauhlz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VarV
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alisalutz12
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Blitzgamer01
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cpt_PaniC
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarkCookieDough
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Juliiiiiiiiiii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nico1905
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KiritoMars
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cealik
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Killer0410
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: misternik2002
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_JpH_LP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Sporty16
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Larskanone
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrZ0mb1e
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FrauFynx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Busfahrer2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RPlaY
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SrPrise
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Noah_like
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Baumfratze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrNiklaas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KorayIstDumm
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HalloAllahuakbar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xprimephoenix
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Filine
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trebount
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bIobfisch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Emson111
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Simon_Shgy200
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GrueniusYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarkPhoenix__
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BLAUPNDAxD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Niborie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alexkraxi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImBerry
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamingAllGames
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Berrys
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Partoffel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AndersRosen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheRealFreeZe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JoJo_Z
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Skilkler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LebenWieJiikuro
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: OoSpideroO
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Allina04
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: __Victoria__
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxxPandaYTxxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EvilRaffy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: THCGamer_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: T_Air
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pia_endergirl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jayzomb
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PhilMitSkill
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kambuster42
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cookie_Vero
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trautmann
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MariePanda
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: phips4
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DDagobert
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Gener4lleutn4nt
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: happyshine
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ziegennippler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Maximilianmoritz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SyntoxYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: viktor4321
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hiarni
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 12FireGirl21
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HeiligesHuhn_YT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: fayper
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eric4578
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kalterzocker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Snowyyy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: King_Reez
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Quandtrium
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: The_Freakz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: dePayns
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: geilerPhiloo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GiganotoTv
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kretzsche91
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chiIIaahd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: katoschka123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RoyalFunkyGames
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LeGr26
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Fibisti
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Buchfink2000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SchokoSahne_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rockycoco09
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: T10_N8_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Electrooon
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Millizitas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 1_Spartacus_1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SpikeN04
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hannes677
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Skorpionkiller1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lwegenaer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Niklaas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luve5TE
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: diamantenmonster
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MadisonDehDino
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Monster_GamerLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: matan916
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Masomifi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Arsch100
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrMagicStick
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxNitrocrafterxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BlvckBytes
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: StanMcEllan
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ASCrazy2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ale2ale2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RECORDGAMER01
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bambusverbindung
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Team_Red_For_Win
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Louis10_07
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: l33tDigger
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DieAnzeige
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: dragonbecky
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Netfuchs
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MarcAndre1999
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Joeeepppp
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 456gQuark
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xSimit
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Soupercrocodile
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Meneerapp2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: User_45876
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SansSkilzz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dod03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aistyra
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Puikgamer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nena2012
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KioHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KleberHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NINE0508
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: WhosNachos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: elosalkin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trapiii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Drobot81
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Tiefbauer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HitsLikeNirooo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheMiniDiamond
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SpongeTrottel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vero_Minion
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FrozenFlameZ
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eskimogirlie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bardcode1337
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HeiligesHuhn89
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Terminator56737
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jonmoja
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HunterGirls
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Sonniboy2001
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Simon240504
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zensor
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eckjen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Arco_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BlackPlaze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Schildi_LP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ceearw
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alishia1995
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CalIMeDaddy_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: D4tah4
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: julchen205
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: marlin02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alice906
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ninja_BoyHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Sonic_the_Boss
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ari11HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ki_Jo_Ho
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KaddiLP123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Waldbirne
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bowid
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FearMiyazaki
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DatSinn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: maxschlag
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TraySkilzz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ricci2002
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: dorfbuilder
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Stefan_Rudi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: I_Dani_I
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Celocks
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MoritzKnop
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Reliktbazooker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Glutinie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Minefaul_1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KalsMarks99
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Django2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: timderspieler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SessynotSassy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IQ4000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PlayerFreak
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kajad17
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarkSours
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lou1sSupreme
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Fearlein
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mentosPVP124
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JohnnyMusicX
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Maris08
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: STEiiiN
[17:05:47] Removed 1 player(s) from their teams: Horstroad
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BIueberry_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: blablagame
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jamborlaia
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TiigerTim
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Locke1000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jojopr
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Saskia97
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bjjost
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Arthu345
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: iste_r
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chrisch_i
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lachverbot
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ni2000lai
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_Liberator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KenzKevin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Link0110
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BAYERNGAMER
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bjarnebart
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: M3c0
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Kuerbismaedchen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dreamsi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: colinxDD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXShadowLPXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _FieryPhoenix_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mia_Frohlich
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Lord36
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _XENON_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TnTkeks
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TechnoSheeep
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrShaper21
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Torbe12
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lucy_Schmuseherz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alfredos_Taccos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ArthurderEngel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Mc_Hammer_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Biggi78
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 2xPistolkind
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Welation
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BloodDoomXD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mister_Mushroom
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dr4gonbl00d
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xChrome_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Filix100
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AllesPing
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nkschuhei
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Shadow_Fight_9
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RayDuude
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: byVale
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: luffington
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kaemper
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xPolarbaer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: theJohzy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: zeusowitz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Xemotra
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aurize
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: No_Name_Player
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Raz3rFr3ak3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: zUnlightspearlz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LixCrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DiaBusch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VS07up
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Magicmatz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kinan11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: adrian2912
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Wallnusselch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Idefixjm
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ASCrazy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Xythos_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrManuellsen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: superheldmax
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jokerffx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FreaksLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: llDaydream
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrSassy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MisterOskar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LogischerThimo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: WulffmanTV
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KeyxLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Poolgirly
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Timelorrd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rebeex
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trautmann
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LetsRusska
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cajotis
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Saftlin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Failshooter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: razer28
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luigo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXAramesXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: peaceblock
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _pingu69
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: luofin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rim5Xx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ski_J
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Craftlos_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Lauriie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aguila10
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Speedy3103
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MelkusRSII
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BATMADDY
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hentler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rache_Engel96
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pfuilsy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Roulinated
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: The_b1nn3boe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sjfnsfgnu
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ionisator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxPandaTVxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Geilokrieger
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dragonfire_007
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hybird
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Clouber
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXchrimeXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xCuzImLipi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Henker83
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingTimonHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Valke
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _BlackArrow_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HeNonHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jessx3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vicaa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SamuraiNeah
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BNether
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dallana
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Raylion
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JulioGaGa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nils_shgy_mitte
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: connor_g3009
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZykliZz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _MelonenKoenig_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rockie008
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: pixelcat123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AARON_BLOCK
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: nevio3003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Typi_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EbenenHeiler42
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: austriankiller1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zarosch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CreativeLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: spielegern
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lucccaaaa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: daBLOCK
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LegitEagle
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: forcesciller
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ynnug
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: pankter9xD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: tizi127
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SuperVioletstar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xX_MobaLover_Xx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JanBurgbach
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NP251
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mine_David02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Monsterkiddy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Florian040199
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VicadasMurat
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sehha
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FifaluciHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Efekolabo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mrs_Potatoohead
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CK_Pikachu
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _gamergirl_12
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VicadasEinhorn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: H7_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SoriasYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MaC1912
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: miraculixx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: StormPlayZz_15
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ChesterTV
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xFilinex
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GermanLetsPlay02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MariLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Meganova
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Loparygg
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: YTSimonHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NooB_Crafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ditsche0405
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DerJaninator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrKunibert
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxdeadbodyxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HardestGaming
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eleanleva
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: __Franky123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PalmenAusMetall
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamerYT51
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AhornGnu5
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kondaa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheZynos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LuluBlockCrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lagerlampe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_J
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Felix231105
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VeniVediVici33_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Concordeflieger
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Casinsight
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DoringsHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kriss83PL
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BloodVen0m
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheMrDoesii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Knoedel66
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ifinja
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mischa4444
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AndWint
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: InstantMaggi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: thegreenJack
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Flipsi2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FritzundVik
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EinfachF3lix
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImBowSpam
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alfredo100
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: muckelnico
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Thingol_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _jonko
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: saroman0212
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: schmidtie23215
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eagle_of_Death
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chrissiKiller01
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: maximilianleon
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ChrissiPrissi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RavonLS
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: StillThere
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Wil_Wheaton
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MCAstronaut3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Yokocrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AlphaObst
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jetztwirdsknall
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Clouber06
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hockey_red
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Turbomole
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: fabemari
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kampf_keks2002
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AcruxCode
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 1337Zero
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JoshuaHarli
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Joe4Winner
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rvbikun
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 0176Zaza
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GodPleaseStopMe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Tabea11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: frogfrak
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jean_Drewello
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TeufelsPanda666
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BroMawi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kapitaen_Melone
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Iliand
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: martiiplay05
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrMax
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JasminDasEinhorn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Neiki
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 19Mogwai83
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kahniii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jonny_HD11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Neo_The_Player
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DerBunge
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nirooo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ItsNadalx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SchlagBlock
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MidgetFKR69
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _CookieChaos_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lenovo2016
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Proentus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ElementarCrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Handball1606
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: M4NND3RK4NN
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jikyu_ryoku
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZoVeBuSTeRzZ
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXJust2003Xx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Honey1204
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ghostgame37
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Valenkus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: vogt1999
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Der_Joghurt_PVP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Robert_22
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xeonixo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Prettzy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CatysKind
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jesskim
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BinBienchen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lipi_thekiller
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MasterSandbox
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Isi02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: laurasant
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Arhtur32
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: teligo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Napii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SouL96InVicTus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MatzePlaysYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Felix2411
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Krafterin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JariMusic
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Babogamer004
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alfonsos_Nachos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kamiki11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Almondgamer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LogischerK3vin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: yoshikingvg
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Its_me_05
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SweetFate
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheJoker255
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Felix3992
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Noob17_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MINEcZOCKER2001
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxValeTVxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Verrschrieben
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mrknowitall20
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SimitDieKatze
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXPrizreniXx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: YPSIELON
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Ken_Kaneki__
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarioZS
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kankiri
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Puschelein
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KilllerTheMaus
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Masterhorse2000
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PnolTV
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: gringogamer
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jason_derBacker
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kckeye
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AFO_Darth_Maul
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BimBescheuert
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_of_kings1
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: minenkraftion
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LakezEXE
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: myPepper
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: flav2k
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pokeman1_0
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AkayaKami
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Freshandyyy
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Abgeeschriben
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BloodDoom
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MineX1991
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: wortley1210
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Owen9456
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dscheanni
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SirGambol
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luca_jay
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mxrxtz123
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hutchmeister1
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Balto2013
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Spicy04
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Yoda089
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TomTV17
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Craftmaster678
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZOMBA99
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SuperSami123
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Gianna
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FleshlightHD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: nik05l
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Minecraftjek
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RealLoc0
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jantherieper
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Feuerstachel
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Darkluke1111
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xX_JU5T7N_Xx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Smilytily11
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ViiRusS_KniiFesS
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: wappl3r
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: deaduck
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Flamingo_Pingo
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DerDelbos
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: noobiedienubnub
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nicecrafter06
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mrleonitos2002
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Serxos
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EmkaeyLP
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luca_Gaming_10
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alina152
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: gigi2495
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheFloppi87
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bySoupGHG
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vogelfreakin
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Razer1997
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NKValle
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AlpenwarriorJR
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingLoL2003
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Acrypex
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jannifire
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EisernerTod
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pingu1n
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NintendoGamer11
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: evapaul2005
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Chrisi04
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xTheBaum
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Orly2k5
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lRedrahl
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CostaCr4ft
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: marlon666
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_proud_Banana
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXD3nnisin4torXx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sm3cker
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Amal_Nadal
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SaftmanHD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_Sueppchen
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lena240504
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Malte9915
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aldrabao
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXxStormzillaxXx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Studentnschnitte
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrThunderboltHD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AbraxaS__
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PH03NlX
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: olma_xD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: afuckingfork
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aaron_Block
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Simit_
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Harry_1806
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vica1306
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CultcraftBeste
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MarkusStahl
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Elite1308
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HaraldToepferine
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: willi0816
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JaniBoy112
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MetalLordFinn
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Springtrap_HDLP
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: S3ndi0
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pikte
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Th3Rocky
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Baowulf
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PW__
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 1976Rennmaus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alittleduckling
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Annika_123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GoldzahnHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Gorribal
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bl0ckBust3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DestyPlays
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TschiZack
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GiFn1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JulianWS04
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _OneeChan_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IchigoNiclas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xChaosLegend_04x
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ey_Girl_14
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxxKILLER_OMAxxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Julius
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kuebsiskopf26
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: adrikum
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vxne
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FlipsHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IchGibDirBoes
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KarlKG07
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vernichter1337
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sanY
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cilary
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hennihanni
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dragon_fire395
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Silka
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Terminator1025
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: byJ3ker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LeuchtendeGlowi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KxnnLesen_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mankelmank
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Fixxerleon
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Music_lights
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EIies
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: monkey_321
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chrissdj
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: maxunschlagbar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Skilling_Exodus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FireX000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXiTzBrotPvPXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RRYEDFRETGGHCVL
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mrs_Nudel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EmperorJoshi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: skedder
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Puuk7
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Moon___Girl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Christoph_AT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AmokRazer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PRO_J_P
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hypnoss14
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: zyglus_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Torbinator08
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xarom
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Brummiinator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Arg_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LEF0X
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hockey_green
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: wannaeatpizza
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EnderBoy0337_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Randroomname
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Leyla_Endergirl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: skyhill2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GuggiHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrDilys
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CreeperHD03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: D4rkDraw
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Myalein
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingCubeCraft
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Endowen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alfimine98
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jonas_theminer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Tom1899
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Horstroad2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Trasher
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KennethG11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MLG_XD_BroXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MatheIstSchwer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ProxyRestart
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheRealVotiX
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Superschere
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lukas20021997
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: nostail
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: fischauge1707
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImJanis
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: johnharbour
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Andre_480
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Manuel0305
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Keks_chan
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DangerTV_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: robinf2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mexxs
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IronIvoHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ciako
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 20ronald00
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BigAl2802
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BitteMitFleisch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImNoice
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Killer_king161
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GreenGoblin26
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 19Sandman89
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Spielgespielt
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Noelle2006
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheProGamer_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: freewaynick
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cayra
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IOError
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Gehxter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Saibot001
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: eM3x
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: malko_90
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Undisputedx3D
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: rockyroad1995
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: YUaTR0oL
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eagtime
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Unleqit_Ryzze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamerFreak10
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: OmNom1312
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alpenwarrior
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SmokeIsFluffy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: m02m03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TimmisFanGurl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_SaxX
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DeLuxeFuri67
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vincteemo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Highscore
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Knullbirne
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IIDragontearII
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: byDrizzle
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NieMitte_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Huckala
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: minibeast12345
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RedAnimations
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheGuyGer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NiklasdasEinhorn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_SpeedYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _itsIphonect_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: die_socke
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Totyro
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Domenik_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mari_hirsch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Silberonshok
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DavidLeeb
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Boxton
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trender
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zamoca05
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SenatorBrick
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vineez
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nugatschnitte23
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: precary
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingLukas42
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingCookie24
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: paluru21
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _TerPim_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hvm2308
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nilllsssiii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: axthd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: An0nym0o
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: eintracht
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aprix_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AbsoluterPanda
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SandPlaysMC
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IchbinkeinPanda
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 69mlCola
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Philipp0305
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Yumekily
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZEUSOclicker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xMaRdIx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LKW_FahrerElias
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Leasophie1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: itz_play
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Seelenblock
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Remus_von_Rom
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Phil_2016
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Knuffelein
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _KompetenzGHG_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Carnni
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 0a0n0n0i0
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Optinas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LeeresPapier
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Minetown1997
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zeit
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheRealMaze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Wass3rFee
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hanrich
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrDamned
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImCherry
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Balooo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AntGil
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Phillimimi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 007raff
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jeni2013
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Facepunchtroll
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ErrorGremory
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _screamingeagle
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MarcoPlaysHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXNotrenXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TimberxD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: McStyle83
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Embrate
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lixa_03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ExcitiusAvetum
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SchokoBond007
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: eisen456
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Creeper_Combo20
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: trolololol234
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JenniiJey
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Langerlummel334
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ProfiGamer19
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Faabiennee
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrFliegenpilz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AtomSparkles
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JeremyPascal124
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Enderice
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamerGirl1709
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hnsd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Schusie123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ladynett123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_MTrain
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dexteroushawk
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BeyHyped
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZG_Gaming
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: rauhlz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VarV
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alisalutz12
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Blitzgamer01
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cpt_PaniC
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarkCookieDough
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Juliiiiiiiiiii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nico1905
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KiritoMars
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cealik
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Killer0410
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: misternik2002
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_JpH_LP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Sporty16
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Larskanone
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrZ0mb1e
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FrauFynx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Busfahrer2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RPlaY
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SrPrise
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Noah_like
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Baumfratze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrNiklaas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KorayIstDumm
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HalloAllahuakbar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xprimephoenix
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Filine
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trebount
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bIobfisch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Emson111
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Simon_Shgy200
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GrueniusYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarkPhoenix__
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BLAUPNDAxD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Niborie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alexkraxi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImBerry
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamingAllGames
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Berrys
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Partoffel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AndersRosen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheRealFreeZe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JoJo_Z
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Skilkler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LebenWieJiikuro
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: OoSpideroO
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Allina04
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: __Victoria__
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxxPandaYTxxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EvilRaffy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: THCGamer_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: T_Air
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pia_endergirl
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jayzomb
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PhilMitSkill
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kambuster42
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cookie_Vero
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trautmann
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MariePanda
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: phips4
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DDagobert
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Gener4lleutn4nt
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: happyshine
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ziegennippler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Maximilianmoritz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SyntoxYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: viktor4321
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hiarni
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 12FireGirl21
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HeiligesHuhn_YT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: fayper
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eric4578
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kalterzocker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Snowyyy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: King_Reez
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Quandtrium
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: The_Freakz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: dePayns
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: geilerPhiloo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GiganotoTv
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kretzsche91
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chiIIaahd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: katoschka123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RoyalFunkyGames
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LeGr26
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Fibisti
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Buchfink2000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SchokoSahne_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rockycoco09
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: T10_N8_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Electrooon
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Millizitas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 1_Spartacus_1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SpikeN04
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hannes677
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Skorpionkiller1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lwegenaer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Niklaas
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luve5TE
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: diamantenmonster
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MadisonDehDino
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Monster_GamerLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: matan916
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Masomifi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Arsch100
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrMagicStick
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxNitrocrafterxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BlvckBytes
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: StanMcEllan
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ASCrazy2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ale2ale2
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RECORDGAMER01
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bambusverbindung
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Team_Red_For_Win
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Louis10_07
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: l33tDigger
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DieAnzeige
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: dragonbecky
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Netfuchs
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MarcAndre1999
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Joeeepppp
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 456gQuark
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xSimit
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Soupercrocodile
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Meneerapp2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: User_45876
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SansSkilzz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dod03
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aistyra
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Puikgamer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nena2012
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KioHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KleberHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NINE0508
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: WhosNachos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: elosalkin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trapiii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Drobot81
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Tiefbauer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HitsLikeNirooo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheMiniDiamond
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SpongeTrottel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vero_Minion
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FrozenFlameZ
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eskimogirlie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bardcode1337
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HeiligesHuhn89
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Terminator56737
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jonmoja
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HunterGirls
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Sonniboy2001
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Simon240504
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zensor
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eckjen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Arco_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BlackPlaze
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Schildi_LP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ceearw
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alishia1995
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CalIMeDaddy_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: D4tah4
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: julchen205
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: marlin02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alice906
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ninja_BoyHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Sonic_the_Boss
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ari11HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ki_Jo_Ho
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KaddiLP123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Waldbirne
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Bowid
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FearMiyazaki
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DatSinn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: maxschlag
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TraySkilzz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ricci2002
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: dorfbuilder
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Stefan_Rudi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: I_Dani_I
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Celocks
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MoritzKnop
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Reliktbazooker
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Glutinie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Minefaul_1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KalsMarks99
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Django2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: timderspieler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SessynotSassy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: IQ4000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PlayerFreak
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kajad17
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarkSours
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lou1sSupreme
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Fearlein
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mentosPVP124
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JohnnyMusicX
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Maris08
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: STEiiiN
[17:05:47] Removed 1 player(s) from their teams: Horstroad
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BIueberry_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: blablagame
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jamborlaia
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TiigerTim
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Locke1000
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jojopr
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Saskia97
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bjjost
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Arthu345
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: iste_r
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chrisch_i
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lachverbot
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ni2000lai
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_Liberator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KenzKevin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Link0110
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BAYERNGAMER
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bjarnebart
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: M3c0
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Kuerbismaedchen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dreamsi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: colinxDD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXShadowLPXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _FieryPhoenix_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mia_Frohlich
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Lord36
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _XENON_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TnTkeks
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TechnoSheeep
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrShaper21
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Torbe12
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lucy_Schmuseherz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alfredos_Taccos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ArthurderEngel
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Mc_Hammer_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Biggi78
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 2xPistolkind
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Welation
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BloodDoomXD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mister_Mushroom
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dr4gonbl00d
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xChrome_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Filix100
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AllesPing
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nkschuhei
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Shadow_Fight_9
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RayDuude
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: byVale
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: luffington
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kaemper
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xPolarbaer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: theJohzy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: zeusowitz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Xemotra
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aurize
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: No_Name_Player
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Raz3rFr3ak3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: zUnlightspearlz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LixCrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DiaBusch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VS07up
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Magicmatz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: kinan11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: adrian2912
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Wallnusselch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Idefixjm
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ASCrazy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Xythos_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrManuellsen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: superheldmax
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jokerffx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FreaksLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: llDaydream
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrSassy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MisterOskar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LogischerThimo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: WulffmanTV
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KeyxLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Poolgirly
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Timelorrd
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rebeex
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Trautmann
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LetsRusska
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Cajotis
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Saftlin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Failshooter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: razer28
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luigo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXAramesXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: peaceblock
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _pingu69
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: luofin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rim5Xx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ski_J
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Craftlos_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Lauriie
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aguila10
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Speedy3103
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MelkusRSII
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BATMADDY
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hentler
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rache_Engel96
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pfuilsy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Roulinated
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: The_b1nn3boe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sjfnsfgnu
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ionisator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxPandaTVxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Geilokrieger
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dragonfire_007
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Hybird
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Clouber
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXchrimeXx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xCuzImLipi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Henker83
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingTimonHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Valke
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _BlackArrow_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HeNonHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jessx3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vicaa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SamuraiNeah
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BNether
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dallana
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Raylion
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JulioGaGa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nils_shgy_mitte
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: connor_g3009
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZykliZz
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _MelonenKoenig_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rockie008
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: pixelcat123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AARON_BLOCK
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: nevio3003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Typi_HD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EbenenHeiler42
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: austriankiller1
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Zarosch
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CreativeLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: spielegern
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lucccaaaa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: daBLOCK
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LegitEagle
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: forcesciller
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ynnug
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: pankter9xD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: tizi127
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SuperVioletstar
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xX_MobaLover_Xx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JanBurgbach
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NP251
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mine_David02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Monsterkiddy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Florian040199
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VicadasMurat
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sehha
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FifaluciHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Efekolabo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mrs_Potatoohead
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CK_Pikachu
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _gamergirl_12
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VicadasEinhorn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: H7_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SoriasYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MaC1912
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: miraculixx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: StormPlayZz_15
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ChesterTV
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xFilinex
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GermanLetsPlay02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MariLP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Meganova
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Loparygg
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: YTSimonHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NooB_Crafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ditsche0405
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DerJaninator
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrKunibert
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxdeadbodyxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HardestGaming
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eleanleva
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: __Franky123
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PalmenAusMetall
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GamerYT51
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AhornGnu5
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kondaa
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheZynos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LuluBlockCrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lagerlampe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_J
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Felix231105
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: VeniVediVici33_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Concordeflieger
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Casinsight
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DoringsHD
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kriss83PL
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BloodVen0m
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheMrDoesii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Knoedel66
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Ifinja
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mischa4444
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AndWint
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: InstantMaggi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: thegreenJack
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Flipsi2003
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FritzundVik
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EinfachF3lix
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CuzImBowSpam
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: alfredo100
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: muckelnico
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Thingol_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _jonko
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: saroman0212
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: schmidtie23215
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Eagle_of_Death
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: chrissiKiller01
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: maximilianleon
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ChrissiPrissi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RavonLS
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: StillThere
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Wil_Wheaton
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MCAstronaut3
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Yokocrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AlphaObst
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jetztwirdsknall
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Clouber06
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hockey_red
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Turbomole
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: fabemari
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kampf_keks2002
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AcruxCode
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 1337Zero
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JoshuaHarli
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Joe4Winner
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Rvbikun
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 0176Zaza
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: GodPleaseStopMe
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Tabea11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: frogfrak
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jean_Drewello
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TeufelsPanda666
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BroMawi
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kapitaen_Melone
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Iliand
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: martiiplay05
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DrMax
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JasminDasEinhorn
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Neiki
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: 19Mogwai83
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kahniii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jonny_HD11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Neo_The_Player
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DerBunge
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nirooo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ItsNadalx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SchlagBlock
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MidgetFKR69
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _CookieChaos_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lenovo2016
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Proentus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ElementarCrafter
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Handball1606
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: M4NND3RK4NN
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jikyu_ryoku
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZoVeBuSTeRzZ
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXJust2003Xx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Honey1204
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ghostgame37
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Valenkus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: vogt1999
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Der_Joghurt_PVP
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Robert_22
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xeonixo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Prettzy
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CatysKind
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jesskim
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BinBienchen
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lipi_thekiller
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MasterSandbox
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Isi02
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: laurasant
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Arhtur32
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: teligo
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Napii
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SouL96InVicTus
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MatzePlaysYT
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Felix2411
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Krafterin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JariMusic
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Babogamer004
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alfonsos_Nachos
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kamiki11
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Almondgamer
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LogischerK3vin
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: yoshikingvg
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Its_me_05
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SweetFate
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheJoker255
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Felix3992
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Noob17_
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MINEcZOCKER2001
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xxValeTVxx
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Verrschrieben
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mrknowitall20
[17:05:47] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SimitDieKatze
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXPrizreniXx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: YPSIELON
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Ken_Kaneki__
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DarioZS
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kankiri
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Puschelein
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KilllerTheMaus
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Masterhorse2000
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PnolTV
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: gringogamer
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jason_derBacker
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Kckeye
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AFO_Darth_Maul
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BimBescheuert
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_of_kings1
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: minenkraftion
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: LakezEXE
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: myPepper
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: flav2k
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pokeman1_0
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AkayaKami
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Freshandyyy
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Abgeeschriben
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: BloodDoom
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MineX1991
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: wortley1210
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Owen9456
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Dscheanni
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SirGambol
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luca_jay
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mxrxtz123
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: hutchmeister1
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Balto2013
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Spicy04
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Yoda089
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TomTV17
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Craftmaster678
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ZOMBA99
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SuperSami123
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: _Gianna
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: FleshlightHD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: nik05l
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Minecraftjek
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: RealLoc0
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: jantherieper
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Feuerstachel
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Darkluke1111
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xX_JU5T7N_Xx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Smilytily11
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: ViiRusS_KniiFesS
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: wappl3r
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: deaduck
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Flamingo_Pingo
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: DerDelbos
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: noobiedienubnub
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Nicecrafter06
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: mrleonitos2002
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Serxos
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EmkaeyLP
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Luca_Gaming_10
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Alina152
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: gigi2495
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: TheFloppi87
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: bySoupGHG
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vogelfreakin
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Razer1997
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NKValle
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AlpenwarriorJR
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: KingLoL2003
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Acrypex
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Jannifire
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: EisernerTod
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pingu1n
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: NintendoGamer11
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: evapaul2005
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Chrisi04
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xTheBaum
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Orly2k5
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lRedrahl
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CostaCr4ft
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: marlon666
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Mr_proud_Banana
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXD3nnisin4torXx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: sm3cker
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Amal_Nadal
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: SaftmanHD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Lord_Sueppchen
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: lena240504
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Malte9915
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aldrabao
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: xXxStormzillaxXx
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Studentnschnitte
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MrThunderboltHD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: AbraxaS__
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: PH03NlX
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: olma_xD
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: afuckingfork
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Aaron_Block
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Simit_
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Harry_1806
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Vica1306
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: CultcraftBeste
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MarkusStahl
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Elite1308
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: HaraldToepferine
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: willi0816
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: JaniBoy112
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: MetalLordFinn
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Springtrap_HDLP
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: S3ndi0
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Pikte
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Th3Rocky
[17:05:48] Could not remove 1 player(s) from their teams: Baowulf
Das sind 842 Zeilen Chat in einer Sekunde. Oft werden Hilfeanfragen durch diese Nachrichtenflut einfach aus dem Chat "rausgespült", oder man übersieht sie.
Hier sind 5 Minuten Chatverlauf... versuch da mal einer Konversation zu folgen:
Warnung: Spoiler!
[20:39:00] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:00] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:02] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:02] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:07] mxchelle2502: haha voll der coole name
[20:39:07] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:07] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:08] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:08] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:09] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:09] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:09] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:09] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:11] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:11] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:11] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:11] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:14] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:14] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:14] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:15] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:22] *hvm2308: Willst du Modern Western oder Mittelalter bauen?
[20:39:25] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:25] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:27] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:27] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:30] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:30] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:30] [CultCraft] Besuche uns im Teamspeak unter der IP:
[20:39:34] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:34] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:37] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:37] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:40] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:40] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:40] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:40] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:42] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:42] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:49] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:49] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:55] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:55] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:57] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:57] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:57] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:57] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:02] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:02] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:07] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:07] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:07] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:07] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:12] [TP] Schreibe '/teleport help' um Hilfe zu erhalten.
[20:40:12] Teleportiere...
[20:40:12] [Pe] Es sind 1 Pes offen
[20:40:19] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:19] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:24] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:24] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:28] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:28] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:28] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:28] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:30] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:30] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:34] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:34] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:35] *hvm2308: ?
[20:40:41] mxchelle2502: eher modern
[20:40:47] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:47] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:47] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:47] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:53] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:53] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:58] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:58] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:59] *hvm2308: Komm mit
[20:41:01] Julian10x2: .
[20:41:02] Aaron_Block: Ist der SchlagCooldown in der PvP wieder aus?
[20:41:04] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:04] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:04] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:04] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:17] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:17] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:17] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:17] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:22] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:22] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:22] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:22] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:29] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:29] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:29] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:29] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:30] [CultCraft] Du benötigst Hilfe? /pe new (dein Problem)
[20:41:37] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:37] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:42] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:42] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:45] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:45] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:48] Aaron_Block: Ist der SchlagCooldown in der PvP wieder aus?
[20:41:49] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:49] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:53] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:53] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:55] OoSpideroO: huhu <3
[20:41:56] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:56] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:56] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:56] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:00] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:00] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:10] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:10] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:10] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:10] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:15] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:15] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:15] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:15] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:19] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:19] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:19] Aaron_Block: RESPEKT
[20:42:24] Aaron_Block: Gutes Team
[20:42:27] Aaron_Block: )
[20:42:27] [TP] Schreibe '/teleport help' um Hilfe zu erhalten.
[20:42:27] Teleportiere...
[20:42:33] OoSpideroO: hallo meine Kinder~ <3
[20:42:38] *Smilytily11: huhu
[20:42:39] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:39] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:39] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:39] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:42] *hvm2308: Hier ist zum Beispiel frei
[20:42:43] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:43] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:43] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:43] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:43] Aaron_Block: und GUTE Suppoerter
[20:42:51] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:51] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:51] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:51] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:52] *hvm2308: Hallo Spider
[20:42:55] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:55] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:00] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:00] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:12] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:12] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:12] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:12] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:12] OoSpideroO: Ich bin beim bauevent 2 Platz geworden, juchuu
[20:43:20] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:20] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:20] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:20] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:21] Aaron_Block:
[20:43:23] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:23] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:23] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:23] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:27] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:27] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:30] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:30] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:31] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:31] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:31] [CultCraft] Dein Like für CultCraft!
[20:43:32] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:32] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:32] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:32] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:34] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:34] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:36] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:36] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:36] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:36] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:38] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:38] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:38] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:38] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:42] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:42] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:45] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:45] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:49] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:49] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:58] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:58] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:00] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:02] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:02] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:07] mxchelle2502: haha voll der coole name
[20:39:07] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:07] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:08] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:08] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:09] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:09] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:09] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:09] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:11] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:11] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:11] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:11] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:14] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:14] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:14] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:15] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:22] *hvm2308: Willst du Modern Western oder Mittelalter bauen?
[20:39:25] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:25] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:27] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:27] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:30] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:30] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:30] [CultCraft] Besuche uns im Teamspeak unter der IP:
[20:39:34] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:34] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:37] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:37] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:40] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:40] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:40] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:40] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:42] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:42] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:49] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:49] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:55] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:55] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:39:57] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:39:57] Blocks processed: 0
[20:39:57] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:39:57] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:02] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:02] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:02] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:07] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:07] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:07] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:07] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:12] [TP] Schreibe '/teleport help' um Hilfe zu erhalten.
[20:40:12] Teleportiere...
[20:40:12] [Pe] Es sind 1 Pes offen
[20:40:19] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:19] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:24] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:24] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:25] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:28] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:28] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:28] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:28] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:30] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:30] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:30] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:34] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:34] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:35] *hvm2308: ?
[20:40:41] mxchelle2502: eher modern
[20:40:47] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:47] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:47] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:47] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:53] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:53] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:58] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:40:58] Blocks processed: 0
[20:40:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:40:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:40:59] *hvm2308: Komm mit
[20:41:01] Julian10x2: .
[20:41:02] Aaron_Block: Ist der SchlagCooldown in der PvP wieder aus?
[20:41:04] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:04] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:04] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:04] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:17] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:17] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:17] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:17] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:22] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:22] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:22] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:22] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:29] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:29] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:29] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:29] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:30] [CultCraft] Du benötigst Hilfe? /pe new (dein Problem)
[20:41:37] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:37] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:37] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:42] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:42] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:45] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:45] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:48] Aaron_Block: Ist der SchlagCooldown in der PvP wieder aus?
[20:41:49] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:49] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:53] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:53] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:53] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:41:55] OoSpideroO: huhu <3
[20:41:56] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:41:56] Blocks processed: 0
[20:41:56] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:41:56] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:00] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:00] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:10] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:10] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:10] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:10] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:15] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:15] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:15] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:15] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:19] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:19] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:19] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:19] Aaron_Block: RESPEKT
[20:42:24] Aaron_Block: Gutes Team
[20:42:27] Aaron_Block: )
[20:42:27] [TP] Schreibe '/teleport help' um Hilfe zu erhalten.
[20:42:27] Teleportiere...
[20:42:33] OoSpideroO: hallo meine Kinder~ <3
[20:42:38] *Smilytily11: huhu
[20:42:39] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:39] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:39] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:39] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:42] *hvm2308: Hier ist zum Beispiel frei
[20:42:43] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:43] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:43] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:43] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:43] Aaron_Block: und GUTE Suppoerter
[20:42:51] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:51] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:51] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:51] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:42:52] *hvm2308: Hallo Spider
[20:42:55] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:42:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:42:55] Blocks processed: 0
[20:42:55] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:00] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:00] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:00] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:12] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:12] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:12] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:12] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:12] OoSpideroO: Ich bin beim bauevent 2 Platz geworden, juchuu
[20:43:20] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:20] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:20] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:20] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:21] Aaron_Block:
[20:43:23] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:23] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:23] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:23] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:27] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:27] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:27] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:30] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:30] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:31] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:31] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:31] [CultCraft] Dein Like für CultCraft!
[20:43:32] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:32] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:32] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:32] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:34] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:34] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:34] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:36] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:36] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:36] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:36] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:38] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:38] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:38] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:38] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:42] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:42] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:42] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:45] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:45] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:45] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:49] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:49] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:49] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
[20:43:58] Running BlockReplacer in full async mode.
[20:43:58] Blocks processed: 0
[20:43:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - placing blocks
[20:43:58] Job [0] BlockReplacer - done
Außerdem kann man bestimmte Arbeiten nicht einfach unterbrechen. Eine große Schematic rein kopieren kann schon mal 10 Minuten dauern. Die muss man absitzen und kann nicht mal eben wohin.
Das ist keine böse Absicht, oder Ignoranz, oder Bevorzugung. Das lässt sich, wie sassy es während der CK auch schon erläutert hatte, oft einfach nicht vermeiden.
Und genau für diesen Fall gibt es PEs. PEs werden auch nicht immer sofort bearbeitet, sondern sobald ein Teamler dafür Zeit hat. Das ist das Grundprinzip von PEs
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: ChesterTV, _holyghost, Xemotra, Raylion
Bitte Anmelden oder Registrieren um der Konversation beizutreten.
Moderatoren: freewaynick, 1Zyrkus_